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Human Detector Shop

Human Detector

figurineSecuring figurines

Figurines are used in many museums. They support by their pictorial representation or serve for the presentation of dresses and uniforms. Free standing figurines tempt visitors to stand next to them to take pictures. This bad habit often leads to damage of the figurines.

If figurines are placed free-standing, they can be electronically protected by various measures. Different laser scanners can be used for this purpose. Figurines with armor can be monitored with the capacitive alarm sensor HDF-TOUCH. If the figurine has a masive core, it is possible under certain circumstances (tight-fitting clothing) to use a structure-borne sound sensor HDF-3D PROTECT
If no sensors can be positioned under the clothing, it is possible to monitor the figurine with a video camera mounted on the ceiling. However, several boundary conditions must be observed: The lighting conditions must be constant and hard shadows cast by visitors must be avoided. 


The following systems are used for securing figurines:
hdf door

hdf door

hdf extern hd psv 300x300 topview


Structure-borne sound sensor for the detection of "sonic" touches


for monitoring armor and sensor foils underneath clothing


for connecting laser scanners


for easy monitoring of complete figurines



Teams dt

If you need further information
please contact our sales department!

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