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Human Detector Shop

Human Detector

tierpraeparatSecuring taxidermy specimens

A large number of taxidermy specimens are displayed in natural history museums. A taxidermized elephant is just as imaginable as a small fly. Since the surface is often organic and natural material (fur, scale-studded skin, etc.) touching the animal exhibits is always critical. Modern security technology helps to detect attacks on these exhibits at an early stage.

The number of possible exhibits and materials is huge. Taxidermy specimens of larger mammals are usually located on pedestals. Here, pedestal laser scanners perform very well. For smaller exhibits, the use of a capacitive alarm module is recommended. The HDF-TOUCH alarm sensor detects the approach of people before they touch the animal exhibit. To enhance this effect, appropriate sensor foils and wires can be incorporated under the fur or skin during taxidermy of the animal. 
The following systems are used for securing taxidermy specimens:

hdf door

hdf extern hd psv 300x300


for securing animal preparations with
internal wire or metal parts


for connecting laser scanners


for securing larger animal specimens
or installations



Teams dt

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please contact our sales department!

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